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365cals per serving (serves 3/4 people)

  • Protein 72%
  • Fat 5%
  • Carbs 24%

Barbecue treat or perfect under the grill. Has a Caribbean twist and you can alter the amount of heat with putting more or less black pepper and chilli flakes in. Works best if you have spice grinder but not essential. You can grind them with pestle and mortar. If you don’t have one, I would highly recommend buying one.

What you need
  • Pork fillet (cut into big chunks)
  • Smoked paprika (tea spoon)
  • Ground cumin (tea spoon)
  • Ground coriander (tea spoon)
  • Ground black pepper (tea spoon)
  • Sea salt (half tea spoon)
  • All spice (half tea spoon)
  • Cinnamon (tea spoon)
  • Honey (tea spoon)
  • Vinegar (2/3 table spoons)
  • Chilli flakes (depends on spice level you like, I use tea spoon)
  • Thumb sized piece of ginger
  • 6 garlic cloves (squashed in pestle & Mortar or grated)
  • Juice of 1 lime and grated rind
How to do it
  • Dry fry on low heat cumin, black pepper corns, coriander until toasted but careful not to burn. Then grind them.
  • In a large bowl add everything and mix so it coats the meat, then put in fridge and leave overnight or if dont have that amount of time, at least 2hrs.
  • You will need metal or wooden skewers to put the pork on and add the meat to the skewers.
  • Put under the grill or on BBQ for about 5 mins.
  • use so of the left over marinade to coat the meat and turn. Keep doing this so does not dry out. As always with pork make sure it is fully cooked through.
  • Serve with home made coleslaw and salad for perfect low carb meal.
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